LOST Money Living on Crypto?!

FACT: I’ve probably lost money living on crypto.
Being the human guinea pig for freedom money isn’t a great way to get rich.
This is probably a massive misconception people have when they find I’ve been in crypto for 12 years: they think I’m either extremely rich, or gambled everything away with poor financial decisions.
Neither is true: I just made day-to-day trade-offs to explore radical adoption of freedom money in the real world.
Saying “I’ll only work if you pay me in crypto” means I had to say no to a lot of earning opportunities.
Saying “I’ll only hold and spend crypto” means I had to pay the more expensive option many times.
Saying “I’ll use scarce sound money” means I couldn’t take profits to a bank account with market dumps.
Many of the pioneers of crypto have experienced the same thing: Laszlo Hanyecz lost incalculably when he paid 10,000 BTC for two pizzas. Amir Taaki focused on freedom tech, and didn’t do nearly as well as his contemporaries.
At the end of the day, these are sacrifices that the pioneers of the space must pay for others to live free. I’m at peace with it.
Yes, if I had it all to do over again, I wouldn’t have changed a thing.
I also got compensated in something far more precious than money: freedom.
For 9 years straight, I haven’t had to worry about anyone censoring me or removing my ability to use my money. I’ve been able to act as I wanted, do whatever I wanted, say whatever I wanted, live how I wanted, without anyone’s permission.
Rich people will spend millions to do the same!
So I have no regrets on losing out on money because I chose to live free. I doubt most who did the same regret it either.
Soon, the sacrifices of early adopters will mean everyone gets to live like this, but easily, without pain.
Never forget those who came before you to build the free world! 🫡
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
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